英文名称:The Museum of Flight 开放时间:周四到周一 10am - 5pm,最新变动见这里 闭馆日期:感恩节,圣诞节 票价:成人25美金,儿童17美金(5-17岁) 其他:
- 博物馆内有 Audio guide,支持普通话,5美金/个,2人以上3美金/个
- 博物馆内可以寄存行李
- 多数飞行器不允许触碰
- 场馆内禁止饮食
- 博物馆的 Mission 是 The Museum of Flight exists to acquire, preserve and exhibit historically significant air and space artifacts, which provide a foundation for scholarly research and lifelong learning programs that inspire an interest in and understanding of science, technology and the humanities.
Restoration Tours
博物馆在 Everett 有个 Restoration Center and Reserve Collection,场地很大,存放老飞机,很多志愿者花时间进行复原以达到可展出的水平,在这个 tour 里,可以看到工作人员如何修复飞机,且有机会和志愿者聊天
The Pilot Experience